


例子: 一个包含目录的数据库,其中每种类型物品占用一行,每种物品要存储的信息包括产品描述和价格,以及生产该产品的供应商信息。


  • 同一个供应商存储的信息都是相同的,每种产品重复信息,浪费空间
  • 如果供应商信息改变,执行改一次。
  • 重复数据,难保证每次储存信息一致,不一致信息难管理,利用。关系数据库设计:

  • 避免相同数据出现多次

  • 信息被分解成一种数据,一个表
  • 各表通过某些常用值相互关联上面的例子,设计两个表,一个存储供应商信息,一个存储产品信息。

  • Vendors 表包含所有供应商信息,供应商的primary key 唯一的标识值vend_id

  • Products表只存储产品信息,与供应商的primary key vend_id 表关联,利用供应商的ID从Vendors表中找出相应的供应商详细信息。这样的设计刚好符合上面3点。








  1. mysql> SELECT vend_name, prod_name, prod_price
  2. -> FROM Vendors, Products
  3. -> WHERE Vendors.vend_id = Products.vend_id;
  4. +-----------------+---------------------+------------+
  5. | vend_name | prod_name | prod_price |
  6. +-----------------+---------------------+------------+
  7. | Bears R Us | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
  8. | Bears R Us | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
  9. | Bears R Us | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
  10. | Doll House Inc. | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  11. | Doll House Inc. | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  12. | Doll House Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  13. | Doll House Inc. | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
  14. | Fun and Games | King doll | 9.49 |
  15. | Fun and Games | Queen doll | 9.49 |
  16. +-----------------+---------------------+------------+
  17. 9 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  • SELECT vend_name, prod_name, prod_price 指定检索的列,prod_name, prod_price 在同一个表。vend_name 在另外一个表
  • From 指定联结两个表Vendors, Products
  • WHERE子句限定 Vendors.vend_id = Products.vend_id 完全限定名。


  • 笛卡儿积(cartesian product) 由没有联结的条件表关系返回的结果,保证所有联结都有WHERE子句,否则返回比的数据会比想要的数据多很多。
  1. mysql> SELECT vend_name, prod_name, prod_price
  2. -> FROM Vendors, Products;
  3. +-----------------+---------------------+------------+
  4. | vend_name | prod_name | prod_price |
  5. +-----------------+---------------------+------------+
  6. | Bear Emporium | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  7. | Bears R Us | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  8. | Doll House Inc. | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  9. | Fun and Games | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  10. | Furball Inc. | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  11. | Jouets et ours | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  12. | Bear Emporium | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  13. | Bears R Us | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  14. | Doll House Inc. | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  15. | Fun and Games | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  16. | Furball Inc. | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  17. | Jouets et ours | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  18. | Bear Emporium | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  19. | Bears R Us | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  20. | Doll House Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  21. | Fun and Games | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  22. | Furball Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  23. | Jouets et ours | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  24. | Bear Emporium | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
  25. | Bears R Us | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
  26. | Doll House Inc. | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
  27. | Fun and Games | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
  28. | Furball Inc. | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
  29. | Jouets et ours | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
  30. | Bear Emporium | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
  31. | Bears R Us | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
  32. | Doll House Inc. | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
  33. | Fun and Games | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
  34. | Furball Inc. | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
  35. | Jouets et ours | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
  36. | Bear Emporium | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
  37. | Bears R Us | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
  38. | Doll House Inc. | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
  39. | Fun and Games | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
  40. | Furball Inc. | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
  41. | Jouets et ours | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
  42. | Bear Emporium | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
  43. | Bears R Us | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
  44. | Doll House Inc. | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
  45. | Fun and Games | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
  46. | Furball Inc. | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
  47. | Jouets et ours | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
  48. | Bear Emporium | King doll | 9.49 |
  49. | Bears R Us | King doll | 9.49 |
  50. | Doll House Inc. | King doll | 9.49 |
  51. | Fun and Games | King doll | 9.49 |
  52. | Furball Inc. | King doll | 9.49 |
  53. | Jouets et ours | King doll | 9.49 |
  54. | Bear Emporium | Queen doll | 9.49 |
  55. | Bears R Us | Queen doll | 9.49 |
  56. | Doll House Inc. | Queen doll | 9.49 |
  57. | Fun and Games | Queen doll | 9.49 |
  58. | Furball Inc. | Queen doll | 9.49 |
  59. | Jouets et ours | Queen doll | 9.49 |
  60. +-----------------+---------------------+------------+
  61. 54 rows in set (0.00 sec




  1. mysql> SELECT vend_name, prod_name, prod_price
  2. -> FROM Vendors INNER JOIN Products
  3. -> ON Vendors.vend_id = Products.vend_id;
  4. +-----------------+---------------------+------------+
  5. | vend_name | prod_name | prod_price |
  6. +-----------------+---------------------+------------+
  7. | Bears R Us | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
  8. | Bears R Us | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
  9. | Bears R Us | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
  10. | Doll House Inc. | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  11. | Doll House Inc. | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  12. | Doll House Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
  13. | Doll House Inc. | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
  14. | Fun and Games | King doll | 9.49 |
  15. | Fun and Games | Queen doll | 9.49 |
  16. +-----------------+---------------------+------------+
  17. 9 rows in set (0.01 sec)



  1. mysql> SELECT prod_name, vend_name, prod_price, quantity
  2. -> FROM OrderItems, Products, Vendors
  3. -> WHERE Products.vend_id = Vendors.vend_id
  4. -> AND OrderItems.prod_id = Products.prod_id
  5. -> AND order_num = 20007;
  6. +---------------------+-----------------+------------+----------+
  7. | prod_name | vend_name | prod_price | quantity |
  8. +---------------------+-----------------+------------+----------+
  9. | 18 inch teddy bear | Bears R Us | 11.99 | 50 |
  10. | Fish bean bag toy | Doll House Inc. | 3.49 | 100 |
  11. | Bird bean bag toy | Doll House Inc. | 3.49 | 100 |
  12. | Rabbit bean bag toy | Doll House Inc. | 3.49 | 100 |
  13. | Raggedy Ann | Doll House Inc. | 4.99 | 50 |
  14. +---------------------+-----------------+------------+----------+
  15. 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  1. mysql> SELECT cust_name, cust_contact
  2. -> FROM Customers
  3. -> WHERE cust_id IN (SELECT cust_id
  4. -> FROM Orders
  5. -> WHERE order_num IN (SELECT order_num
  6. -> FROM OrderItems
  7. -> WHERE prod_id = 'RGAN01'));
  8. +---------------+--------------------+
  9. | cust_name | cust_contact |
  10. +---------------+--------------------+
  11. | Fun4All | Denise L. Stephens |
  12. | The Toy Store | Kim Howard |
  13. +---------------+--------------------+
  14. 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  1. mysql> SELECT cust_name, cust_contact
  2. -> FROM Customers, Orders, OrderItems
  3. -> WHERE Customers.cust_id = Orders.cust_id
  4. -> AND OrderItems.order_num = Orders.order_num
  5. -> AND prod_id = 'RGAN01';
  6. +---------------+--------------------+
  7. | cust_name | cust_contact |
  8. +---------------+--------------------+
  9. | Fun4All | Denise L. Stephens |
  10. | The Toy Store | Kim Howard |
  11. +---------------+--------------------+
  12. 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
