练习 9 打印,打印,打印



  1. 1 # Here's some new strange stuff, remember type it exactly.
  2. 2
  3. 3 days = "Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun"
  4. 4 months = "Jan\nFeb\nMar\nApr\nMay\nJun\nJul\nAug"
  5. 5
  6. 6 print("Here are the days: ", days)
  7. 7 print("Here are the months: ", months)
  8. 8
  9. 9 print("""
  10. 10 There's something going on here.
  11. 11 With the three double-quotes.
  12. 12 We'll be able to type as much as we like.
  13. 13 Even 4 lines if we want, or 5, or 6.
  14. 14 """)


练习 9 会话

  1. $ python3.6 ex9.py
  2. Here are the days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  3. Here are the months: Jan
  4. Feb
  5. Mar
  6. Apr
  7. May
  8. Jun
  9. Jul
  10. Aug
  11. There's something going on here.
  12. With the three double-quotes.
  13. We'll be able to type as much as we like.
  14. Even 4 lines if we want, or 5, or 6.


  • 检查你的代码,把错误记下来,以避免再犯。
  • 你有打乱你的代码然后重新修复吗?


为什么我在三个双引号之间加了空格就报错了呢? 你必须这样输入 """ ,而不能这样输入 " " " ,也就是说中间不能加空格。

如果我想让月份另起一行开始打印怎么办? 你只需要在字符串前面加 \n 即可,就像这样:"\nJan \nFeb \nMar \nApr \nMay \nJun \nJul \nAug"

如果我的错误总是拼写错误是不是很糟糕? 很多编程初学者(甚至非初学者)都会犯拼写错误,不用担心,细心点就行。