练习 39. 字典,可爱的字典

现在你要学习 Python 中的另一种数据结构——字典(Dictionary)。字典(也叫 dict)是一种和列表类似的数据存储方式。但是不同于列表只能用数字获取数据,字典可以用任何东西来获取。你可以把字典当成是一个存储和组织数据的数据库。


练习 39 Python 会话

  1. >>> things = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
  2. >>> print(things[1])
  3. b
  4. >>> things[1] = 'z'
  5. >>> print(things[1])
  6. z
  7. >>> things
  8. ['a', 'z', 'c', 'd']



练习 39 Python 会话

  1. >>> stuff = {'name': 'Zed', 'age': 39, 'height': 6 * 12 + 2}
  2. >>> print(stuff['name'])
  3. Zed
  4. >>> print(stuff['age'])
  5. 39
  6. >>> print(stuff['height'])
  7. 74
  8. >>> stuff['city'] = "SF"
  9. >>> print(stuff['city'])
  10. SF

你会看到我们用了字符串(而不是数字)来从 stuff 字典中取出了我们想要的东西。我们也可以用字符串来给字典添加新的东西。而且,也可以不用字符串,我们可以这样做:

练习 39 Python 会话

  1. >>> stuff[1] = "Wow"
  2. >>> stuff[2] = "Neato"
  3. >>> print(stuff[1])
  4. Wow
  5. >>> print(stuff[2])
  6. Neato


当然,如果一个字典只能放东西那就太蠢了。下面是如何用 'del' 关键词来删除其中的东西:

练习 39 Python 会话

  1. >>> del stuff['city']
  2. >>> del stuff[1]
  3. >>> del stuff[2]
  4. >>> stuff
  5. {'name': 'Zed', 'age': 39, 'height': 74}





  1. 1 # create a mapping of state to abbreviation
  2. 2 states = {
  3. 3 'Oregon': 'OR',
  4. 4 'Florida': 'FL',
  5. 5 'California': 'CA',
  6. 6 'New York': 'NY',
  7. 7 'Michigan': 'MI'
  8. 8 }
  9. 9
  10. 10 # create a basic set of states and some cities in them
  11. 11 cities = {
  12. 12 'CA': 'San Francisco',
  13. 13 'MI': 'Detroit',
  14. 14 'FL': 'Jacksonville'
  15. 15 }
  16. 16
  17. 17 # add some more cities
  18. 18 cities['NY'] = 'New York'
  19. 19 cities['OR'] = 'Portland'
  20. 20
  21. 21 # print out some cities
  22. 22 print('-' * 10)
  23. 23 print("NY State has: ", cities['NY'])
  24. 24 print("OR State has: ", cities['OR'])
  25. 25
  26. 26 # print some states
  27. 27 print('-' * 10)
  28. 28 print("Michigan's abbreviation is: ", states['Michigan'])
  29. 29 print("Florida's abbreviation is: ", states['Florida'])
  30. 30
  31. 31 # do it by using the state then cities dict
  32. 32 print('-' * 10)
  33. 33 print("Michigan has: ", cities[states['Michigan']])
  34. 34 print("Florida has: ", cities[states['Florida']])
  35. 35
  36. 36 # print every state abbreviation
  37. 37 print('-' * 10)
  38. 38 for state, abbrev in list(states.items()):
  39. 39 print(f"{state} is abbreviated {abbrev}")
  40. 40
  41. 41 # print every city in state
  42. 42 print('-' * 10)
  43. 43 for abbrev, city in list(cities.items()):
  44. 44 print(f"{abbrev} has the city {city}")
  45. 45
  46. 46 # now do both at the same time
  47. 47 print('-' * 10)
  48. 48 for state, abbrev in list(states.items()):
  49. 49 print(f"{state} state is abbreviated {abbrev}")
  50. 50 print(f"and has city {cities[abbrev]}")
  51. 51
  52. 52 print('-' * 10)
  53. 53 # safely get a abbreviation by state that might not be there
  54. 54 state = states.get('Texas')
  55. 55
  56. 56 if not state:
  57. 57 print("Sorry, no Texas.")
  58. 58
  59. 59 # get a city with a default value
  60. 60 city = cities.get('TX', 'Does Not Exist')
  61. 61 print(f"The city for the state 'TX' is: {city}")


练习 39 会话

  1. $ python3.6 ex39.py

NY State has: New York

OR State has: Portland

Michigan's abbreviation is: MI

Florida's abbreviation is: FL

Michigan has: Detroit

Florida has: Jacksonville

Oregon is abbreviated ORFlorida is abbreviated FLCalifornia is abbreviated CANew York is abbreviated NY

Michigan is abbreviated MI

CA has the city San FranciscoMI has the city DetroitFL has the city JacksonvilleNY has the city New York

OR has the city Portland

Oregon state is abbreviated ORand has city PortlandFlorida state is abbreviated FLand has city JacksonvilleCalifornia state is abbreviated CAand has city San FranciscoNew York state is abbreviated NYand has city New YorkMichigan state is abbreviated MI

and has city Detroit

Sorry, no Texas.The city for the state 'TX' is: Does Not Exist




  • 去图书馆找到一本字典,让我们假设你要找牛津字典。
  • 你知道“honorificabilitudinitatibus”以字母 H 开头,所以你在书的侧边找那个小小的 H 。
  • 然后你在 H 部分翻页寻找直到接近以“hon”开头的单词。
  • 继续翻了几页之后你终于找到了“honorificabilitudinitatibus”,或者你已经翻到以“hp”开头的单词了,你才意识到牛津字典里根本没有这个词。
  • 一旦你找到了这个词,你会看看它的定义,以弄明白它的意思。这个过程基本上就是字典的工作原理,你把“honorificabilitudinitatibus”这个词映射到它的定义上。而 Python 中的字典和现实世界中的牛津字典非常类似。


  • 给你所在的国家或其他国家建立城市和州/地区的类似映射。
  • 找找 Python 的字典文档,试试多进行一些操作。
  • 看看你不能用字典做什么。很重要的一点是它们没有次序,试着玩玩看。


列表和字典有哪些区别? 列表是元素的有序排列。而字典是把一些元素(称为“键”,keys)和另一些元素(称为“值”,values)匹配起来。

我能用字典做什么? 当你需要用一个东西去查另一个东西的时候。其实,你可以把字典称为“查询表”(look up tables)。

我能用列表做什么? 可以用于任何有序排列的东西,同时你只需要用数字索引来查找它们。

如果我需要一个字典,但我又想让它们有序排列怎么办呢? 去看看 Python 中的 collections.OrderedDict 数据结构。可以在网上找找相关文档。