附1 关键名词术语 (key words)

绪论 introduction

中医学 traditional Chinese medicine (TCM ) (1)中医学理论体系 theory system of TCM(1)中医基础理论 basic theory of TCM(8)整体观念 holism concept(9)五脏一体观 holism of five organs()形神一体观 holism of body and spirit()天人一体观 holism of human beings and universe()医学模式 medical pattern()辨证 syndrome identifying()论治 treatment variation() 疾病 disease()

证候 syndrome()

症状 symptom()

体征 physical sign()

辨病 disease diagnosing()

同病异治 different treatment for the same disease()异病同治 the same treatment for different disease()

第一章 中医学的哲学基础ancient philosophic basis of TCM 精 jing (as the world origin in ancient philosophy)()气 qi (as the world origin in ancient philosophy)() 精气 qi; noble qi()

精气学说 theory of jingqi()

生命 life()

中介 medium()

气机 qi activity()

气化 qi transformation()

感应 induction()

水地说 hypothesis of jing originating from water and earth()云气说 hypothesis of qi originating from cloud and air() 气一元论 monism of qi()

元气一元论 monism of qi()

阴阳 yinyang;yin and yang()

阴阳学说 theory of yinyang()

阴阳对立 inter-opposition between yin and yang()阴阳互根 interdependence between yin and yang()阴阳消长 wane and wax between yin and yang()阴阳交感 inter-induction between yin and yang()阴阳互藏 inter-containing between yin and yang()阴阳转化 inter-transformation between yin and yang()阴阳自和 reestablishment to yin-yang equilibrium()阴阳平衡 both yin and yang in equilibrium() 五行 five elements()

五行学说 theory of five elements()五行相生 inter-promotion of the five elements()五行相克 inter-inhibition of the five elements()五行制化 relationship of the promotion and restriction of five elements()五行相乘 inter-invasion of five elements()五行相侮 reverse restriction in the five elements()五行胜复 resistance of the oppressed elements()母病及子mother-organ disorder involving its child-organ()子病及母 child-organ disorder involving its mother-organ()滋水涵木 replenishing water to nourish wood()培土生金 reinforcing earth to generate metal()益火补土 tonifying fire to supplement earth()金水相生 mutual generation between metal and water()抑木扶土 inhibiting wood and strengthening earth()培土制水 cultivating earth to control water()佐金平木 assisting metal and calming wood()泻南补北 purging the south(fire) and nourishing the north(water)()宏观观察 observation on macroscopic level() 中和 golden mean()

类比 analogy()

第二章 藏象 viscera state

藏象 viscera state()

藏象学说 doctrine of viscera state()脏腑viscera; zangfu organs()五脏 five zang organs()

心 heart()

肺 lung()

脾 spleen()

肝 liver()

肾 kidney()

六腑 six fu organs()

胆 gall bladder()

胃 stomach()

小肠 small intestine()

大肠 large intestine()

三焦 tri-jiao;sanjiao()

膀胱 urinary bladder()

奇恒之腑 extraordinary fu organs()脑 brain()

髓 marrow()

骨 bone()

脉 vessel()

女子胞 uterus()

满而不实 full of essence without foodstuff()实而不满 full of foodstuff without essence()心主神明 heart controlling mental activities()心主血脉 heart controlling blood circulation()心藏神 heart storing spirit()肺主气 lung governing qi()肺主呼吸之气 lung governing respiratory qi()肺主一身之气 lung governing physical qi()肺朝百脉convergence of vessels in the lung()肺主行水 lung governing water metabolism()肺主治节 lung governing coordinative activities of viscera()肺为华盖lung being the canopy()肺为娇脏 lung being the delicate organ()肺主宣发肃降 lung controlling dispersing outwards and inwards()气门 pore()

后天之本 source of acquired constitution()脾主运化 spleen governing transportation and transformation()脾主升 spleen governing ascending()脾主统血 spleen governing blood()脾喜燥恶湿 spleen preferring dryness to dampness()肝主疏泄 liver governing regulating()肝主藏血 liver storing blood()肝体阴而用阳 liver of yin nature with yang functioning ()肝为刚脏 liver being the resolute viscera()罢极之本 source of endurance()先天之本 congenital foundation()肾藏精 kidney storing essence() 肾阴 kidney yin()

肾阳 kidney yang()

肾精 kidney essence()

肾气 kidney qi()

天癸 tiangui()

肾主水液 kidney governing water()肾主纳气 kidney receiving respiratory qi() 命门 vital gate()

七冲门 seven important portals()胆主决断 gallbladder governing deciding()胃主通降 stomach managing downward transportation of food()喜润恶燥 preferring moisture to dryness()受盛化物 containing and digesting()泌别清浊 separating the clear from the turbid()上焦如雾 upper-jiao resembling mist()中焦如沤 middle-jiao resembling fermenter()下焦如渎 lower-jiao resembling drainage()元神之府 house of mentality()脑为髓海 brain being the marrow sea()心肾相交 coordination between heart and kidney()水火相济 regulation between water and fire()肺为气之主 lung being the governor of qi()肾为气之根 kidney being the root of qi()肝肾同源 liver and kidney sharing the same origin()乙癸同源 liver and kidney sharing the same origin()精血同源 essence and blood sharing the same origin()藏泄互用 interdependence between storing and discharging()纳运相得 inter-promotion between containing and digestion()升降相因 interdependence between ascending and descending()燥湿相济 interdependence between drying and moistening()胃喜润恶燥 stomach preferring moisture to dryness()第三章 精气血津液神essence, qi, blood, body fluid and spirit 气 qi()

元气 primordial qi()

元阴 primordial yin()

元阳 primordial yang()

气机 qi activity()

气化 qi transformation()

气海 qi sea()

卫气 defensive qi()

宗气 thoracic qi()

营气 nutrient qi()

原气 primordial qi()

气能生血 qi promoting blood production()气为血之帅 qi being the governor of blood() 气主呴之 qi promoting()

气能生津 qi promoting body fluid production()气能行血 qi promoting blood circulation()血为气之母 blood being the mother of qi() 血主濡之 qi nourishing()

气能行津 qi promoting body fluid circulation()气能摄血 qi governing blood()津能载气 body fluid conveying qi()血能载气 blood conveying qi()气能摄津 qi governing body fluid()气随血脱 qi exhaustion resulting from hemorrhage()气随津脱 qi exhaustion resulting from body fluid depletion()津停气滞 body fluid retention causing qi stagnation() 血 blood()

精 essence()

神 spirit()

精能化气 essence transforming into qi()先天之精 congenital essence()后天之精 acquired essence()水谷之精 foodstuff essence()气能生精 qi promoting essence production()津血同源 body fluid and blood sharing the same source()血汗同源 blood and sweat sharing the same source() 膻中 danzhong()

虚里 heart apex()

津液 body fluid()

第四章 经络meridians and collaterals 经络 meridians and collaterals()经络学说 theory of meridian and collateral;meridian doctrine() 经气 meridian qi()

经脉 meridian;channel()

络脉 collateral()

十二经脉twelve meridians()十二正经 twelve regular channels()手太阴肺经 lung channel of hand taiyin(L)()手阳明大肠经 large intestine channel of hand yangming(LI)()足阳明胃经 stomach channel of foot yangming(St)()足太阴脾经 spleen channel of foot taiyin(Sp)()手少阴心经 heart channel of hand shaoyin(H)()手太阳小肠经 small intestine channel of hand taiyang(SI)()足太阳膀胱经 urinary bladder channel of foot taiyang(UB)()足少阴肾经 kidney channel of foot shaoyin(K)()手厥阴心包经 pericadium channel of hand jueyin(P)()手少阳三焦经 tri-jiao channel of hand shaoyang(TJ)()足少阳胆经 gall bladder channel of foot shaoyang(GB)()足厥阴肝经 liver channel of foot jueyin(Liv)()奇经八脉 eight extra channels()督脉 governor vessel;Du meridian()任脉 conception vessel;Ren meridian()冲脉 flush vessel;Chong meridian()带脉 belt vessel;Dai meridian()阴跷脉 yinqiao meridian()

阳跷脉 yangqiao meridian()

阴维脉 yinwei meridian()

阳维脉 yangwei meridian()

十二经别 twelve divergent channels()十五别络 fifteen large collaterals() 孙络 minute collateral()

浮络 superficial collateral()十二经筋 twelve meridian musculatures()十二皮部 twelve cutaneous areas()阳脉之海 sea of yang meridians (governor vessel)()阴脉之海 sea of yin meridians (conception vessel)()任主胞胎 conception vessel governing uterus and gestation()十二经脉之海 sea of the twelve meridians (flush vessel)()血海 blood sea (flush vessel)()

第五章 体质body constitution

体质 body constitution()

形神合一 harmonization between soma and spirit() 体格 physique()

体型 body type()

人格 personality()

气质 temperament()

性格 character()

素质 heredity()

理想体质 ideal body constitutions() 病势 disease tendency()

质化(从化)property transformation()

第六章 病因 pathogeny

病因 pathogeny()

病因学说 etiology()

辨症求因 etiological syndrome identifying() 六淫 six exopathogens()

六气 six climates()

六邪 six exopathogens()

伤寒 exogenous febrile disease() 中寒 cold stroke()

风性轻扬 wind tending to drift()善行数变 migrant and variable()风性主动 wind tending to migrate()百病之长 guide of various disease()寒性凝滞 cold tending to coagulate and stagnate()寒性收引 cold tending to contract()寒则气收 cold retarding qi circulation()暑性升散 summer heat tending to ascend and disperse()炅则气泄 heat causing qi exhaustion()暑多挟湿 summer heat usually accompanied with dampness()湿性重浊 dampness being heavy and turbid()湿性黏滞 dampness being viscous and lingering()湿性趋下 dampness tending to descend()燥性干涩 dryness tend to desiccate()火性趋上 fire tending to flare up()火易生风动血 fire causing wind and bleeding() 疠气 epidemic pathogens()

瘟疫 pestilence()

七情 seven emotions()

七情内伤 internal injuries caused by seven emotions()怒则气上 rage causing qi to flow upwards()喜则气缓 joy causing qi slack()悲则气消 grief causing qi depression()思则气结 contemplation causing qi stagnation()惊则气乱 terror causing qi disorder()恐则气下 fear causing qi collapse() 饮食不节 improper diet()

饮食不洁 dirty diet()

饮食偏嗜 diet preference()形劳 physical overstrain()劳则气耗 overstrain causing qi exhaustion() 心劳 heart overstrain()

神劳 psychological overstrain() 肾劳 kidney overstrain()

房劳 sexual overstrain()

有形之痰 visible phlegm()

无形之痰 invisible phlegm() 瘀血 blood stasis()

结石 calculus()

药邪 medicine abuse()

医过 therapist fault()

胎弱 congenital deficiency() 胎毒 fetus toxin()

第七章 发病invasion

正气 healthy qi()

邪气 pathogenic factors()

遗传病 genetic disease()

感邪即发 acute onset after affected() 徐发 chronic onset()

伏而后发 latent onset()

继发 secondary onset()

合病 simultaneous onset()

并病 following onset()

复病 recurrence()

后遗症 sequela()

重感致复 re-affected causing recurrence() 食复 diet recurrence()

劳复 overstrain recurrence() 药复medicine recurrence()

情志致复 emotion recurrence()

第八章 病机pathogenesis

病机 pathogenesis()

病机学 pathology()

病机层次 pathological level()基本病机 basic pathogenesis() 实 sthenia()

实证 sthenic syndrome()

虚 asthenia()

虚证 asthenic syndrome()

虚实错杂 mixture of asthenia and sthenia()虚中夹实 asthenia with sthenia()实中夹虚 sthenia with asthenia()虚实转化 inter-transformation between asthenia and sthenia()由实转虚 sthenia transforming into asthenia()因虚致实 sthenic symptoms caused by asthenia()虚实真假 pseudo or true manifestation of asthenia and sthenia()真实假虚 sthenia with pseudo asthenia()大实有羸状 excessive sthenia manifesting as excessive asthenia()真虚假实 asthenia with pseudo sthenia()至虚有盛候 excessive asthenia manifesting as excessive sthenia()正胜邪退 healthy qi expelling pathogens()邪去正虚 pathogen retreating with asthenic healthy qi()邪胜正衰 prosperous pathogen with asthenic healthy qi()邪正相持 struggle between healthy qi and pathogen()正虚邪恋 asthenic healthy qi with pathogen lingering()阴阳失调 imbalance between yin and yang()阴阳偏胜 excess of yin or yang() 阳偏胜 yang excess()

阳盛 yang excess()

阴偏胜 yin excess()

阴盛 yin excess()

阴阳偏衰 deficiency of yin or yang() 阳偏衰 yang deficiency()

阳虚 yang deficiency()

阴偏衰 yin deficiency()

阴虚 yin deficiency()

阴阳互损 inter-impairment between yin and yang()阴损及阳 yin impairment involving yang()阳损及阴 yang impairment involving yin()阴阳格拒 repellence between yin and yang()阴盛格阳 predominant yin rejecting yang() 格阳 rejecting yang()

阳盛格阴 predominant yang rejecting yin() 格阴 rejecting yin()

阴阳亡失 exhaustion of yin or yang()  亡阳yin exhaustion()

亡阴 yang exhaustion()

精虚 essence asthenia()

精瘀 essence stasis()

气虚 qi asthenia()

气机失调 disorder of qi activity() 气滞 qi stagnation()

气逆 qi adverseness()

气陷 qi collapse()

上气不足 qi failing to transport upward()中气下陷 qi failing to lift() 气闭 qi blockage()

气脱 qi exhaustion()

血虚 blood asthenia()

血瘀 blood stasis()

出血 haemorrhage()

血寒 blood cold()

血热 blood heat()

精气两虚 asthenia of essence and qi()精血不足 asthenia of essence and blood()气滞精瘀 qi stagnation and essence stasis()血瘀精阻 blood stasis and essence obstruction()气滞血瘀 qi stagnation and blood stasis()气虚血瘀 qi asthenia causing blood stasis()气不摄血 qi failing to control blood()气随血脱 qi exhaustion resulting from hemorrhea()气血两虚 asthenia of qi and blood()津液不足 body fluid asthenia()伤津 body fluid impairment()脱液 body fulid exhaustion()津液输布障碍 dysfunction of body fluid distribution()津液排泄障碍 dysfunction of body fluid excretion()水停气阻 water retention causing qi stagnation()气随津脱 qi exhaustion resulting from body fluid loss()津枯血燥 body fluid depletion causing blood dryness()津亏血瘀 body fluid depletion causing blood stasis()血瘀水停 blood stasis causing water retention() 内风 endogenous wind()

风气内动 disturbance of endogenous wind() 肝风 liver wind()

肝阳化风 liver yang causing wind()热极生风extreme heat causing wind()阴虚风动 yin asthenia causing wind()血虚生风 blood asthenia causing wind()寒从中生 cold originating from interior() 内寒 endogenous cold()

湿浊内生 dampness originating from interior()内湿 endogenous dampness()津伤化燥 body fluid impairment causing dryness() 内燥 endogenous dryness()

火热内生 heat or fire originating from interior() 内热 endogenous heat()

内火 endogenous fire()

少火 junior fire()

壮火 excessive fire()

阳亢化火 excessive yang causing fire()气有余便是火 excessive qi causing fire()邪郁化火 pathogen accumulation causing fire()五志化火 five emotions causing fire()阴虚火旺 yin asthenia causing fire()疾病传变 pathogenesis transmission()病位传变 focus transmission()表里传变 transmission between interior and exterior()表病入里 exogenous disease invading interior()里病出表 endogenous disease retreating to the exterior()半表半里 semi-interior and semi-exterior() 直中 direct attack()

六经传变 six meridians transmission()三焦传变 three-jiao transmission()卫气营血传变 transmission of wei, qi, ying and xue()顺传 sequential transmission()逆传 adverse transmission()脏腑传变 viscera transmission()脏与脏传变 transmission among zang organs()脏与腑传变 transmission among zang organs and fu organs()腑与腑传变 transmission among fu organs()形脏内外传变 transmission between interior and exterior()寒热转化 inter-transformation between cold and heat()寒化热 cold transforming into heat()热转寒 heat transforming into cold()从化 property transforming()第九章 防治原则principle of prevention and therapy 预防 prevention()

养生 health promotion()

未病先防 prevention before disease onset()既病防变 preventing disease from exacerbating()治则 therapeutic principle() 治法 therapeutic method()

治病求本 treating disease from the root() 标本 branch and root()

正治 routine treatment()

反治 contrary treatment()

寒者热之 cold treated with warm()热者寒之 heat treated with cool()虚则补之 asthenia requiring tonification()实则泻之 sthenia requiring purgation()热因热用 heat treated with warm()寒因寒用 cold treated with cool()塞因塞用 obstruction treated with tonification()通因通用 diarrhea treated with purgation()扶正 strengthening healthy qi()祛邪 eliminating pathogens()因时制宜 climate-concerned treatment()因地制宜 environment-concerned treatment()因人制宜 individuality-concerned treatment()(注:关键名词术语的英文部分,是在参考几种工具书的基础上,结合我们的理解而作的试译。由山东中医药大学张哲译出初稿。)

附2 主要参考书目

1.印会河主编.中医基础理论(统编五版教材).上海: 上海科技出版社,19842.印会河、张伯讷主编.中医基础理论.北京: 人民卫生出版社,19893.吴敦序主编.中医基础理论(规划教材).上海: 上海科技出版社,19954.吴敦序主编.中医基础理论学习指导.上海: 上海科技出版社,19985.童瑶主编.规划教材教与学参考丛书?中医基础理论. 北京:中国中医药出版社,19996.王新华主编.中医药高级丛书?中医基础理论. 北京:人民卫生出版社,20007.张珍玉主编.中医学基础(统编专科教材).北京:中国中医药出版社,19938.孙广仁主编.中国传统医学丛书?中医基础理论.北京:科学出版社,19949.孙广仁,刘家义,张安玲等.中医基础理论难点解析.北京:中国中医药出版社,200110.王琦主编.中医藏象学.北京:人民卫生出版社,199811.李德新主编.中医基础理论.北京:人民卫生出版社,200112.孙广仁主编.中医藏象生理学.北京:中国医药科技出版社,200213.孙广仁,迟华基,韩成仁,等.中医基础理论研讨(硕士研究生试用教材).山东中医药大学内部教材,199714.金志甲主编.中医基础理论.西安:陕西科技出版社,200115.王新华执笔.中医基础理论.南京中医学院内部教材,198616.何裕民主编.中医学导论.上海:上海中医学院出版社,198717.雷顺群主编.《内经》多学科研究.南京:江苏科学技术出版社,199018.匡调元.中医体质病理学.上海:上海科学普及出版社,199619.王琦.中医体质学.北京:中国医药科技出版社,1995

附3 主要参考古籍书目
























































